Still working on my Spanish, but I can almost bear my testimony! Sister Ortiz is the Sister Training Leader for our Zone (Basically the sister version of a Zone Leader), but she doesn't have an STL companion, so when we go on exchanges so she can see how they're doing, I will go to the Spanish Area and be an Hermana. So I'm working on my Spanish.... it's rough though. :P
New Policy! There is now no responding to emails. So those of you who I've been chatting with, I can no longer do that. So if you have questions for me or want me to respond to something, you have to email me before I email you. It'll be a bit of a transition, but exact obedience is the way to success! :)
I was a "Senior Companion" in a trio this week, because all the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders went to MLC (Mission Leadership Committee), and there are two sisters in the mission who are also companions with STL's, but they just came out a week and a half ago, so we were in a trio for the day. Since I had been out the longest, I was the Senior Companion. We had personal study, companionship study, and 12 week, then we went to go visit a couple in one of the other sister's areas. This couple used to be a senior missionary couple, but they pretended to be investigators, and we taught them the Restoration. It was interesting having the other sisters rely on my to teach most of the lesson. I realized how much I've learned in the last almost 2 months.
Now to my "World in a Box" Subject Line.
We are teaching a refugee from Haiti named Myshima. She's a sweetheart. But her English isn't the best. She speaks Creole and French. Sister Ortiz understands and mostly speaks French, so that helps. Myshima is great! She has such a desire to "be convinced" of the Gospel. We were laughing that "A black girl from Haiti, a brown girl from the Dominican Republic, and a white girl from America" were all sitting there speaking 4 different languages. It's amazing how the gospel brings people together and transcends all racial and language barriers.
We are also teaching a man that moved from China. I still struggle pronouncing, let alone spelling, his last name, so I'll just call him Bro. Jones. He was raised in a society where school teaches you that believing in God is ridiculous, so it's interesting to teach him. He told us this week that he's "trying to believe in God". He's awesome.
Our sweet landlords and their family set this up for us. :)
Tender Mercies!!
It's been a good week here! Hope it has been for all of you! I love you, and am praying for you! My Utah friends: enjoy the snow!!!
Sister Taylor
Zone Training Meeting - one set of elders (which I helped plan, even though I'm not a zone leader) one of the 7 ward Christmas parties we went to on Saturday!
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